Donate and help fund the organisation that unites people around the world to protect their right for body autonomy, hold big Pharma accountable, and establish a trustworthy body of health data.

Together we must build the movement to ensure the future of our health and wellbeing that puts people first.

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Why does the Control Group need donations?

The Control Group research is conducted outside the pharmaceutical and medical establishment who seek to benefit from disease. We are entirely self-funded. We refuse to take funding from governments, universities, or manufacturers of products. This secures our independence and keeps our results from being manipulated towards profitable outcomes.

We are a team of passionate individuals working to support people across the world who are facing discrimination because of their vaccine status, or, having their right to body autonomy challenged by authorities in their country.

Your donations support our research and enable you to be part of the change.

Any and all profits raised from our fundraising efforts are invested directly back into the project.

One-time donation

You can make a one-time donation via our payment provider Stripe.

This is a single donation where you choose the amount you would like to donate.

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Some people choose to make small regular donations towards our research through a subscription.

Those that subscribe become "Associate Members" of the Control Group and have the ability to order durable, plastic copies of their participant ID card — including the Vaccine Study Card and the ICE Health Card.

Subscriptions start from £6 per month, and can be cancelled anytime without penalty.

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