Login Options

We have recently launched a new data management portal and are working on migrating existing members to the new platform

During this time please use the correct login option below.

Joined Before 1st Jun 2023

if you have been a member of the Control Group prior to the 1st Jun 2023, please use the login button below to continue to use our original platform for now.

We are working hard on migrating existing accounts to the new platform, please bear with us.

Joined after 1st Jun 2023

Members who have joined on or after the 1st June 2023 should log into the new portal by clicking the button below

Not yet a member

If you are not yet a member of the Control Group and would like to join you can register by clicking on the button below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why has the portal changed?

We have been working on expanding our capabilities and services beyond our covid vaccine study to better serve our health concious community.

Our updated portal is now welcoming covid vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated so we can work together to truly evaluate the health outcomes.

As a community steered project we are constantly talking and listening to our members so we stay on top of their requirements to better meet our shared aims.

What is new?

we have many improvments for you - here are a few of the highlights

We have introduced the Health Card - providing emergency attendees easy access to your emergency contacts and visiblilty of chosen important medical information and advanced decisions so they can better assist you in an emergency.

We have also expanded the data capture options to help you keep a better record of your health.

We have overhauled our user interface to provide a better experience and make entering your information simpler and faster.

We have also made many other updates to help us better protect and manage your health data and provide a platform that will be easier for us to expand going forward so we can add additional studies and functionalty when required.

For our covid vaccine study we have implemented participation certificates (endorsed by the World Council for Health) which you can self print at any time, to help you show your demonstrate your participation when fighting discrimination for your medical choices.

When will the migration of existing members to the new platform be completed?

We hope to have completed the migration by August 2023.

What can I expect in the future?

We will be working on publishing our roadmap for future plans in due course, for now our focus is on completing the migration of accounts.

How can I provide feedback and or suggestions for future improvements?

You can email our support team at any time with your feedback.